On a completely different note. Someone during the wank claimed that Sam was constantly disobeying orders and never getting in trouble for it. This confused me, a lot, because it's JACK O'NEILL who does the orders-ignoring with no consequances
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Defending Sam and not defending Weir and Teyla means we're not allowed to defend Sam. *sad*
Please ignore all of that Teyla and Weir fic and the icons I've made for them, because obviously, I've NEVER been pissed about fandom's treatment of the women of Atlantis. THANK YOU, Fandom Wank for informing me!
Icons 1-25 were created in irritation tonight. 13, with variations (I like to play. *sticks out tongue*). Icons 26-49 were created previously. Some may have been posted before, I really don't know
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First, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I think I caught them all, but am unsure, as I was at skip=660 when I finally got through my flist.
I have pretended my birthday was Sunday and today, instead of it being Monday. For Monday was the day of 16-hours in the car.